Each course explores a different subject which is relevant to employment in our sector: camera trapping, wildlife journal making, stakeholder engagement, tree i.d. & survey, environmental influencing and birds in education.
We are looking at ways to make these courses as accessible as possible with a small administration fee (if there is sufficient interest – please register at the bottom of this page).
In addition to the 6 distance learning course, the project did a lot of other things such as training for staff and students and exploring how to provide suitable recognition for learning. To explore these project outcomes and see the full Evaluation Report please follow this link.
Course development led by Ambios Ltd
Wildlife Journal Making allows us to record nature as we see it and in so doing we learn more about it and perhaps encourage others to explore nature with us.
This course explores the use of different materials, encourages and challenges you to look at botanical art, birds and their behaviour, landscapes and habitats.
We ask you to purchase some small items of art equipment to allow you to follow this course.
Course development led by Ambios Portugal
With everyone’s access to social media to easy these days – we all have the power to be environmental influencers – but how? What does the good practice look like?
This practical course explores how style and attitude shape influencing, how to produce different outputs for influencing – animations, narrated presentations and short videos.
We provide you with a time-limited software licence to make your own animations.
Course development led by the Barn Owl Foundation, Hungary
European natural forests are amazing places. This course explores tree identification and the different types of forest as well as now to measure trees and begin to understand their vital and complex role in natural ecosystems.
We may ask you to buy a tree i.d. book and an inclinometer(!) in order to follow this course.
Course development led by the University of Padova, Italy
Course development led by WWF, Hungary
Birds are present in our everyday lives. We can see and hear them most places we go which makes them a good anchor to nature which we know improves our wellbeing.
If you are interested in engaging people in environmental education, birds are a powerful tool and you know more about them than you think!
This course supports you as future or existing educators to explore how birds can capture people’s attention and illustrate our relationship with nature.
Course development led by the University of Evora, Portugal
We would like to thank Erasmus+ for funding this project under their Strategic Partnerships for Higher Education Mobility Projects. The project was a partnership of 6 organisations from across European and ran from Oct 2020 to Mar 2023 and produced the six distance learning modules described above. We ran online meetings, involved students and staff in developing the courses and we showcased our results to many students from across Europe. The project also involved a joint staff training programme (in the UK) and two intensive study programme for student (one to Hungary, one to Italy).
You might be interested in one or more of our Wildskills EU courses, please let us know the title(s) in your message below. With sufficient interest (12 students) we’ll open that course in the summer of 2023 – free of charge! Sign up so that we can keep you informed.
Ambios Ltd is a UK registered not-for-profit company limited by guarantee – meaning it can only spend its income on helping people achieve their goals for nature/science/education and supporting organisations in achieving their objectives for wildlife/conservation/biodiversity.
Companies House Registration Number: 4185277
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